

Nigeria, trouvez l’équilibre entre régulation et liberté financière

L’essor des cryptomonnaies, mené par le Bitcoin, a provoqué une secousse dans le paysage financier mondial. Le Nigeria, pionnier africain dans l’adoption de ces technologies, se trouve à un carrefour délicat : comment encadrer une innovation sans étouffer l’élan vers la liberté financière que recherchent de nombreux citoyens ? Ce dilemme est au cœur des débats sur la régulation du Bitcoin dans le pays. Entre surveillance rigide et ouverture prudente, le Nigeria doit tracer une voie qui soutienne l’innovation tout en protégeant les intérêts de la population.

Chainlink CCIP arrives on ZKsync!

The integration of Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) on ZKsync marks a decisive turning point in the world of blockchains. Announced recently, this collaboration is not just about technological innovation. It opens up new perspectives for blockchain interoperability, offering developers and users...

Bitcoin: Mining difficulty reaches an all-time high

Bitcoin continues to push the limits, both for miners and for the network itself. This Wednesday, the difficulty of mining saw another impressive rise, reaching an all-time high of 92.7 trillion. This 3.6% increase follows a...

Bitcoin at 90K if Trump Wins, 40K with Harris!

Bitcoin could see dramatic swings depending on the outcome of the next US presidential election. According to Bernstein analysts, the fate of Bitcoin will depend heavily on the future tenant of the White House. If Donald Trump succeeds in ascending to the presidency,...

Bitcoin plunges: The crypto market collapses!

The crypto universe is in turmoil. This weekend, Bitcoin, the figurehead of the crypto market, crossed a red line by dropping below the $58,000 mark, reaching $57,654.

Crypto: $122 million lost in Australia to scams!

The crypto world, while promising, also harbors considerable dangers. In Australia, crypto-currency-related scams have caused losses exceeding $122 million in just 12 months.